Well, you have done it again you wonderful friends. With 19 vans, and donations from the Craft sales, Raffle, Tombola, and Rally fees plus a personal donation from Bob of £45 to round the figure up, we can tell you today that YOU helped raise the amazing sum of £800 for the two Charities. This exceeds last years total of £642.20

The Chefs

Such is the spirit of our Deffy Rally . Thank you for all the kind remarks on the face book group and it is good to know we are doing something right and we do rely on the ” if it aint broke , don’t fix it ” theory. So hope to do it all again this time next year .

The Rally Field
What are they waiting for
The Brunch
The German Volunteer fire brigade Command and Control vehicle. c/o Chris Relliance


Thank you for the donations of Raffle prizes , the Cakes , the Chefs ( all of you ) , Pauline for all her knitting and Kate for her embroidery , Sarah for organising the Raffle and Tombola . And , of course all those behind the scenes helpers and you all know who you are . For example , making sure the Tent take down group all had a cup of tea when most needed.